Monday, January 9, 2012

Week 1 - Reading Reflection

The classroom I teach in is for the novice-level students, and there are two teachers in it. This classroom is built on the information age systems mentioned in the Reigeluth & Joseph article. You will find many of the systems such as customization, initiative, diversity, team-based organization, autonomy, cooperation, and total quality. We also follow a learning-focused paradigm, and gear our lessons to the student’s needs. We also teach to mastery of the topic by following personal learning plans, allowing every member of the class to work at their own pace. We are also able to monitor their progress through performance-based assessment and encourage them to develop their skills through peer-assisted learning. The way that we are able to do this successfully is because there are two teachers and we work in small groups. We are able to pull aside groups of students so we can coach them through the material, and give them opportunities to guide each other to comprehension of the material. It would be beneficial to find ways that technology can work into this system. Because of the wide variety of available technology and the educational level of the students, it is important to find the right types of technology to make sure that it meets our learning goals.

Technology is not taking over or replacing the teaching that we are doing, but it is enhancing it with the use of technology. The Postman article argues that technology in learning is solving problems that do not actually exist. He uses the example of power windows in a car as an analogy for technology in learning. With this example, it seems like he is ignoring the fact that some technology actually finds ways to make things easier for students or teachers so that their learning goals may be accomplished. For example, we teach students to use technology so that they may take ownership over their own learning, or so that they can assist other students in learning. Technology lowers the barriers for helping others and gaining assistance from others, and if students are able to communicate their ideas to each other, they can demonstrate their mastery of the topic. This also benefits the teachers, since it easier for them to monitor the students and interact with their material through technological means. For example, if a student did some form of formative assessment on the computer, and their grade appeared in the gradebook instantly, I could see that grade and discuss with them why they got that grade and what they wanted to improve or clarify instantly while it was still fresh in their mind. Alternatively, we could interact with the students in real time through the internet, and it could provide a more media-rich experience than simply just telling them to use their imagination. Technology is not solving problems that don’t exist, it is solving real problems and creating new avenues for teachers and students to connect with each other and enhance their learning experience.

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